More on spy-proofing your base.
Note: Special thanks to EGM
Once you get into the sanctuary of your super base, you want to make sure no spy can get in. These are some hints how to get them out.
One of the spy's favorite ways to get into your secret base is in the dark. Hire an electrician to put in a bunch of lights so those spies will get the hell out of there. Oh yes, make sure you use bulletproof lightbulbs.
Spies love to hang around like a bunch of little monkies. Their favorite spots are overhead water pipes and ledges. So to fix these problems, take the insulation off the water pipes and have any guard passing by a mysterious set of fingers step on them. Another thing, evil overlords usually have health packs lying around just for some nosy spy to use when your guards get a couple shots on him. Have a janitor either throw these packs away, or fill them with sleeping pills. And one more thing, in any spy movie, there is always some laser trip wires that spies somehow manuever their way through. Make a laser grid so tight and intricate that spies will try to lose so much weight to get through, they'll die of malnutrition. Henchmen tend to feel special when you give them a keycard to a high security area. So they think they are of higher authority and wear clothes different than those issued to them. However, this informs the spy of which henchman has the key and aims for him. Make sure all your baddies wear the same clothes. But this is the biggest thing you should know, remove all explosive barrels from doors, power generators, actually your base in general. Better yet, catapult them to CIA Headquarters.
That is all.
Your oppressive overlord,
Mr. X