Returning from the dead
Sorry about the lack of posts lately, we all seemed to have lost focus. This past week I had a fever/cold illness and Willie was well shooting things. Yuval I haven't heard from, I do believe he is stuffing a chicken full of potatoes just about now. In other news, we should be gathering this Saturday for a little combat simulation. In much older news, that new title picture was created by yours truly in case if you were wondering. Now watch your eyes so you don't get pieces of England in your eye after we blow it up into a thousand million pieces.
Your lackadaisical lieutenant,
Mr. X (aka Wishful Sinful)
Lackadaisacal is not a good thing (sp.)
i know i was sleepy. lackadaisical means without life or effort
I put the site on "stumble". An extention for fire fox that takes you to a random site. Apparently some guy from germany likes the page. Nice.
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