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3 good friends hanging around and shooting things with an MG42.

Friday, November 25, 2005

On removing Dr. E

I am sorry, but it was in the best intrest of the blog to remove Dr. Emmerich. He hasn't been posting enough and his last post was well...just silly. So there. Also, I have upgraded Mr. X's status to Admin since he is such a driving force in our quest. Thank you

-Overlord William

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

We learn (pwn) from history.

I think we need to learn some things from our history to better ourselves. Here's some valuable lessons that I've compiled.

From Alexander the Great:

Use types of troops which your opponenet is not used to/expecting. For example, in one of his battles he used heavy cavalry in front of his fortified phalanx to overrun his enemies.

From Napoleon:

Well just about everything that is used in modern warefare, such as increasing marching rates, living off the home country, seperating into specific units, and attack lines of enemy supply. This was seen particularly in the Civil War.

From Phalanx Warfare/Modern Warefare:

I believe that we should combine ancient war techniques with modern ones. Mordern warefare entails of scattered groups of soldiers attack another group of scattered soliders. Usually units move together in 3s-10s. I think that we should figure out a way to protect larger groups of soliders to overwhelm the enemy, as is commonly used by riot police. Each solider will have a bullet proof shield either somehow attached to them or they will hold it and combining the shields will cover the entire unit which will storm the enemy, taking cover when neccesary. If the troops are brave enough, they will move together quickly and take the enemy by surprise.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Awesome spaceships.

We need awesome spaceships to zoom around in and drop bombs and fire lasers and launch proton torpedoes. Then all our enemies will be like "oh no, they have awesome spaceships! We're doomed!" And then we would land on Pluto and remotely fire all the nukes on Earth, which will make it explode, which will turn it into a small star. This star will orbit the sun, consuming Mars and Mercury, and making the gases in Venus explode. This explosion and the heat of the star will ignite the almost 100% hydrogen atmosphere of Jupiter, causing a bigger explosion, igniting Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus making an über explosion which would then fuse the sun and the Earth star together making a big star with only Pluto in its orbit. And the oxygen left over from the explosion would start to orbit Pluto, forming an atmosphere. And the heat would melt all the icy things there too. So now we would have control over Pluto, Charon, and those other new moons they say they found. And they would all be able to support human life. Don't worry if you don't understand, Its just that my master genius plan is too advanced and complicated for your feeble mind to understand.

Your Super Sergeant,
Mr. X (aka Wishful Sinful)