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3 good friends hanging around and shooting things with an MG42.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Lessons Learned

A couple days ago, Mr. X and I decided to run a simulation of a world domination scenario (Rise of Nations). We discovered some very important things, here's a list:

  1. Keep units in reserve, you'll never know when you'll need them.
  2. Metal is harder to come by then other resources (aside from oil).
  3. Fall back when neccesary
  4. Keep supplies for your troops
  5. Don't attack unless you know that you'll seriously damage your enemies, and only if you have reinforcements.
  6. Keep the enemy in check by bombarding their cities with ships and planes.
Hopefully today we'll have another go, and I'll get back to you with s'more information.

Also, a message to Dr. E: Please have your posts be less personal, and if you feel the need to post a post (ha) of that nature, then add a little bit more "world domination" flair to it, if you know what I mean. But, on personal terms, yeah that sucks majorly, but you never know the trip could've been shitty.


Willie, Co-Word Dominator


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Tusken the Raider said...

dude how can you rag on ME for using copywrited stuff???? YOU GIVE STRATEGIES FOR R.O.N. (hehe ron) ALL THE TIME!! ah HAH!

At 1:43 AM, Blogger wwwe said...

True, but the strategies aren't meant for RON, rather for our use as world dominators.


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