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3 good friends hanging around and shooting things with an MG42.

Monday, October 03, 2005

On the note of a giant monster capable of launching nukes...

HEY!!! hasn't anyone ever heard of something sorta like a giant robot monster.... ooh gee i cant remember what its called... capable of destroying countries with it's nuclear launch abilities... and various other attack modes.. oh wait. METAL GEAR. yea, thats it. My fellow Mad Scientists, What we need at the moment is a metal gear, preferrably something along the lines of MG-RAY so that it could have amphibious capabilities as well as land. we could surprise nations from the ocean, or just plain ol' have a mobile nuke launcher. My friends, Metal Gears are the future of nuclear warfare, and we must take this all into serious consideration.


At 7:42 PM, Blogger wwwe said...

yeah...Metal Gear is kinda...COPYRIGHTED - so just throwing that out there. That's why even though i made plenty of allusions to it in my posts, i never mentioned it like that.


-Your Comrade (but not a Commie)


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