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3 good friends hanging around and shooting things with an MG42.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bow Down Before the One You Serve; You're Going to Get What You Deserve

if anyone wanted to know the location i wanted annhialated for my birthday it was in a past comment. and by the way, a potential ally could be the almighty Lord Vader. Just throwin it out there. Anyone? Anyone? What about the King of the Cosmos? He destroyed every source of light in the universe once by having too wild a party and left the universe without heat for days, killing trillions. of course, every single one of those trillions we're from Pwnzor 9, the poser planet. thank heavens. Mr. Cosmos can also teleport anything by regurgitating a giant rainbow, and i know how much we all would love to have THAT ability. Oh, and another person we should be fighting against is the most vile, evil thing to crawl on the earth. Ladies and Gentlemen, BFF only to Satan, vice president DICK cheney!

btw the title is from a nine inch nails song. if you've never heard it, ur on the wrong planet cuz obviously you should have perished in the tragedy of Pwndzor 9, bitch.



At 8:03 PM, Blogger wwwe said...

Dr. E -

While your code name is Acceptable, there is one issue that I have. The name "Otacon/Dr. Emmerich" is taken from a

1. Copyrighted source
2. Famous source

Therefore, the codename isn't very, how do you say, unique.

If you'd consider it that'd be great.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Tusken the Raider said...

sorry willieh this is the name for my own personal blog and if you dont like it you c'n jus' giiiit out. btw the title of the post is from a Nine Inch Nails song. man, they are good. DOG O' WAR! go to and somewhere theres a post about that. its pretty recent.

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dick cheney cant be satan's best friend because...
go there and be enlightened


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