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3 good friends hanging around and shooting things with an MG42.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Communists are bad.

Yes. Communists are very bad. They aren't good. Anyways, I was practicing on a world domination simulator (known to some as Rise of Nations) and something very bad happened. Everybody lost because there was nuclear war. Nuclear war=no world left to dominate. This shows that before launching our nukes, we must destroy other nations' nukes first. Seeing that the U.S. has thousands, we better start crackin'.

Your delusional despot,
Mr. X (aka Wishful Sinful)


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Tusken the Raider said...

GOD DAMMIT YOU IDIOTS. YOU THINK THAT I AM THE SAME PERSON AS GENERAL DOOM???? WHO WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO CREATE TWO, NOT ONE, BUT TWO FREAKIN NEW BLOGS JUST TO LOOK COOL?!?!?!? my god i have overestimated you two, "willie" and "mr. x". my god, you both are so GODDAMN STUPID. it amuses me.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Bonap4rte said...

We do not think. We know. Good bye Dr. Emmerich/General Doom.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Bonap4rte said...

i am sorry for thinking that you two are the same person. its just that dr. emmerich said some very stupid things that sounds like general doom but then i realized that he said some smart things that general doom couldn't even pronounce. apologies to dr. emmerich for confusing him with this crazy old man.


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